Andrew Mitchel LLC

REG-130675-17: Definition of Foreign Currency Contract Under Section 1256

Date: 2022-07-06
Links to Federal Register: HTML, PDF
Document Number: 2022-14318, RIN: 1545-BO06
Action: Notice of proposed rulemaking.

Abstract: This document contains proposed regulations that define the term "foreign currency contract" under section 1256 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code") to include only foreign currency forward contracts. The proposed regulations affect certain holders of foreign currency options.

Word frequency
Notable phrases   Frequency
foreign currency contract(s)      34
foreign currency option(s)      14
regulated futures contract(s)      12
foreign currency forward(s)      6

Reg. Cites   Frequency
1.1256(g)-2      3

Sec. Cites   Frequency
1256      36
1256(g)(2)      11
988      7
1256(g)(2)(A)      4
1256(g)(2)(A)(i)      3
1256(g)(2)(B)      3
7805(f)      2
1256(g)      2
988(c)(1)(E)      2
988(c)(1)(B)(iii)      2
1256(g)(1)      2
1256(a)(1)      2
1256(g)(3)      2
988(a)(1)      1
1256(a)(3)      1
1256(a)(2)      1

Authorities Referenced:


Number of pages: 5, words: 4,580, sentences: 170
Average words per sentence: 26