Andrew Mitchel LLC

TD 9901: Deduction for Foreign-Derived Intangible Income and Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income

Date: 2020-07-15
Links to Federal Register: HTML, PDF (Proposed Regulation: REG-104464-18 HTML, PDF)
Document Number: 2020-14649, RIN: 1545-BO55
Action: Final regulations.

Abstract: This document contains final regulations that provide guidance regarding the deduction for foreign-derived intangible income (FDII) and global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI). This document also contains final regulations coordinating the deduction for FDII and GILTI with other provisions in the Internal Revenue Code. These regulations generally affect domestic corporations and individuals who elect to be subject to tax at corporate rates for purposes of inclusions under subpart F and GILTI.

Word frequency
Notable phrases   Frequency
intangible property      241
method or process      85
FDDEI service      71
specified tangible property      58
unrelated party transaction      47
related party sale      47
foreign related party      43
foreign unrelated party      43
deduction eligible income      39
related party service      36
manufactur(e|ing), assembly, or other processing      36
gross DEI (and|or) gross FDDEI      35
deemed tangible income return      34
provision of a service      29
end users (located) outside the United States      28
sale of intangible property      26
dual use ratio      22
FDII deduction amount      22
recipient located outside the United States      21
know(s) or (have|has) reason to know      21
operations outside the United States      19
international transportation property      19
foreign-derived deduction eligible income      18
consolidated FDII deduction amount      18
provided to a business      18
processing outside the United States      17
qualified business asset investment      16
proportionate share ratio      16
global intangible low-taxed income      15
inventory or other property      15
property located outside the United States      11
customers located outside the United States      9
manufacturing method or process rule      8
ultimately be sold to end users      7

Reg. Cites   Frequency
1.250(b)-6      28
1.250(a)-1      23
1.250(b)-5      17
1.1502-50      16
1.250(b)-1      14
1.250(b)-4      14
1.250(b)-3(b)(2)      14
1.861-17      13
1.250(b)-1(d)(2)      13
1.250(b)-4(b)      12
1.1502-13      10
1.250(b)-2      10
1.250(b)-3      9
1.250-1      9
1.962-1      8
1.250(b)-5(e)(4)      8
1.250(b)-1(c)(11)      7
1.482-9(k)      7
1.904-4(f)(2)      7
1.482-9(l)(3)      7

Sec. Cites   Frequency
250      149
962      41
250(a)(2)      32
704(b)      28
78      16
951A      16
951(a)      14
960(a)      12
960(d)      10
904      9
743(b)      8
163(j)      7
482      6
6001      6
250(b)(4)(B)      5
250(b)(5)(B)(i)      5
1256      5
475(e)(2)(B)      5
250(a)      5

Authorities Referenced:


Number of pages: 76, words: 90,523, sentences: 3,050
Average words per sentence: 29