Andrew Mitchel LLC

International Tax Blog - New and Interesting International Tax Issues

U.S. Government Continues to Pursue Taxpayers Committing Tax Fraud


As we reported last year, the U.S. government actively pursues taxpayers that are committing tax fraud. The Justice Department publicizes its successes in its press releases. The press releases continue to demonstrate an impressive list of tax-related convictions, guilty pleas, injunctions, summonses, and other actions against taxpayers (and tax preparers). Many of the tax fraud schemes include offshore activities. See, for instance:

Connecticut man who used offshore accounts sentenced to prison for tax evasion and conspiracy

Comments about the Program for Non-Prosecution Agreements or Non-Target Letters for Swiss Banks

Mizrahi Bank client pleads guilty to filing false tax return

Portola Valley, Calif., man sentenced to prison for failure to report foreign bank accounts held at UBS

Swiss banker pleads guilty to conspiring with U.S. tax evaders, other Swiss bankers and bank management

Alaska Plastic Surgeon Indicted on Tax Evasion Charges for Concealing Bank Accounts in Panama and Costa Rica

Credit Suisse Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Aid and Assist U.S. Taxpayers in Filing False Returns

California attorney sentenced to prison in scheme to hide millions in secret Swiss accounts at UBS AG and Pictet & Cie

Swiss Offshore Tax Evasion Enabler Pleads Guilty

U.S. and Canadian citizens charged with using offshore accounts and foreign nominee entities to launder $200,000

California banker charged with helping U.S. taxpayers conceal secret Israeli bank accounts

Court authorizes IRS to issue summonses for records relating to U.S. taxpayers with offshore bank accounts

Texas tax preparer is permanently barred from tax preparation for allegedly falsifying returns for overseas customers and impeding audits

Department of Justice announces agreement with Liechtenstein bank to pay $23.8 million to resolve criminal tax investigation

Tags: Other - Tax Fraud