Andrew Mitchel LLC

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Pages Published by the IRS in 2023 (in the Federal Register & in the IRB)


The IRS publishes a variety of documents in the Federal Register. These documents include regulations, proposed rules and notices, executive orders, etc.

In 2023, the IRS published 1,397 pages in the Federal Register. Below is a graph showing the number of pages published in the Federal Register by the IRS from 1995 to 2023. It is interesting to note that the number of pages published tends to increase during the years of each presidential administration.

Graph of the number of IRS pages published in the Federal Register Per Year

The IRS also pushes many of the same documents (and more) in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. During 2023, the IRS published a total of 3,316 pages in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. Below is a graph showing the number of pages published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin by the IRS from 2001 to 2023. Similar to the Federal Register, the number of pages tends to increase during the years of most presidential administrations.

Graph of the number of IRS pages published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin Per Year

Tags: Authority - Treasury Decisions, Statistics